How to carry forward facing in an Ergo Omni 360

  You can carry a baby facing outward in a suitable carrier once baby has a really strong neck and are tall enough to sit comfortably forward in the carrier you have for them with their head fully clear of the top of the carrier.  This differs from baby to baby and also carrier toContinueContinue reading "How to carry forward facing in an Ergo Omni 360"

FAQ - How do I get my baby onto my back in a buckle carrier on my own?

Carrying your child on your back can be truly freeing!  Back carries completely free up your hands to get on and get stuff done, and they are generally more comfortable too as most of us load bear better on our backs than our fronts.  Plus once your child is tall enough to see over yourContinueContinue reading "FAQ - How do I get my baby onto my back in a buckle carrier on my own?"

Carrying Stories - Nina.

Carrying your baby is such a personal thing – people carry for different reasons and different carriers suit different people.  Here is Nina's story…. "I didn’t fully appreciate and understand the benefits of baby wearing until I had my second baby in 2013.  Alexander was born 5 weeks prematurely and with a toddler running aroundContinueContinue reading "Carrying Stories - Nina."

Which Ergo?

Ergobaby carriers are really popular, and it's very easy to see why.  They are very well made, well designed and fit a wide range of parents and babies.  They don't fit everyone of course - like any buckle carrier it's definitely worth trying on before you buy - as different brands fit different body typesContinueContinue reading "Which Ergo?"

The Facts about Forward Facing

Carrying babies forward facing (looking outwards toward the world) is something I get asked more questions about than anything else.  So many different questions on this topic.  The reason is simple - there is a lot of conflicting opinions on this and even more conflicting information.  A disturbing amount of this information comes from articlesContinueContinue reading "The Facts about Forward Facing"