How to get Cross Straps comfortable on your back.

Many buckled baby carriers offer two configurations for parents comfort - rucksack (H shape) or crossed (X shape) and which is more comfortable really depends on you. Shape of your shoulders and how the straps sit across your back will all affect which you find more comfortable. Which is why I hugely recommend trying bothContinueContinue reading "How to get Cross Straps comfortable on your back."

How to perform a 'Pelvic Tilt' to ensure your baby is sitting comfortably in their baby carrier

Worried about how baby is sitting in their carrier? Worried about their hips? Or worried about red lines appearing on their legs after being in the carrier? The easiest way to ensure baby is sitting comfortably is to do a 'Pelvic Tilt'. This is where you slip your hands into the carrier and gently tiltContinueContinue reading "How to perform a 'Pelvic Tilt' to ensure your baby is sitting comfortably in their baby carrier"

Summer Babywearing - Keeping Safe in the Hot Weather

As the weather warms up, understandably parents start to worry about whether their baby will be too hot in their baby carrier or sling. Undoubtedly the closeness does mean that it is warmer for both of you, however, there are some simple things you can think about to ensure you both stay safe and asContinueContinue reading "Summer Babywearing - Keeping Safe in the Hot Weather"

What Can I do with a Stretchy Wrap?

Stretchy wraps are amazing.  They are super soft, snuggly and one of the best options for a newborn.  They are amazingly versatile.  They fit all body shapes and sizes because you tie them to yourself and when you find the right carry will work for all newborns because you can adapt them to fit however babyContinueContinue reading "What Can I do with a Stretchy Wrap?"

Legs in or Legs out when carrying a baby in a Stretchy wrap?

I almost always teach legs out when supporting parents wrapping their baby in a stretchy wrap. Many stretchy wrap manuals show legs in positioning for newborns and then suggest legs out as baby gets older.  But I normally encourage parents to skip this for three main reasons Legs in can place weight on ankles andContinueContinue reading "Legs in or Legs out when carrying a baby in a Stretchy wrap?"

FAQ - How do I wash my carrier?

When it comes to babies shit literally can happen!  As can milky sick, serious quantities of drool and various dropped foodstuffs of all kind!  Correspondingly, all the slings in the library collection are ones that are easy peasy to wash!  There are some absolutely lovely wool, silk and other slings out there and available to thoseContinueContinue reading "FAQ - How do I wash my carrier?"

FAQ - In search of a "easy" carrier... what are the easiest baby carriers?

Whenever I ask a parent what they want in a baby carrier, top of the list is always "something easy".  Over the years I've had different ideas about what makes a carrier easy to use, or easier than other carriers.  I have come to the conclusion the biggest factor by far is not actually anythingContinueContinue reading "FAQ - In search of a "easy" carrier... what are the easiest baby carriers?"

FAQ - How soon can I carry after birth? What if I had a Cesarean birth?

How soon after birth can I use a sling? As soon as you feel able!  I've known parents to carry right from the first day if they've felt well enough to do so.  The important thing is to listen to your body - you've just given birth!  So take it easy on your body and giveContinueContinue reading "FAQ - How soon can I carry after birth? What if I had a Cesarean birth?"

FAQ - How do you neatly fold up a buckle carrier?

I am often asked to share this trick! So here it is ... no more unruly straps poking out of bags, nor large tangled messes that won't even fit in the bag in the first place!! Start with the carrier laid out in front of you (on floor, sofa or on your knee) Fold theContinueContinue reading "FAQ - How do you neatly fold up a buckle carrier?"

The Myth of the "BAD" Carrier

At least a couple of times a month a parent comes in and says they have a Baby Bjorn or other narrow based baby carrier which they were using, perhaps not comfortably but happily using nonetheless, but now they are worried because they heard that it was "BAD", "Bad for their babies hips" or even worseContinueContinue reading "The Myth of the "BAD" Carrier"