Summer Baby Carriers - My Top Picks for Warm Weather Babywearing

While carrying in warm weather is more about common sense than anything else, there definitely are some carriers that are cooler to wear and fare better as temperatures rise. If you are prone to overheating, live in a warm climate or want a summer friendly baby carrier (or want to hire one from Sheen SlingsContinueContinue reading "Summer Baby Carriers - My Top Picks for Warm Weather Babywearing"

FAQ - How do Doorstep Hires work?

While I strongly believe in how much difference face to face help and support when trying out new slings and carriers can make.  Sometimes, just occasionally, it's not needed.  Sometimes you know exactly what you'd like to borrow and just want to hire directly. Maybe you've already been to the library and didn't hire somethingContinueContinue reading "FAQ - How do Doorstep Hires work?"