Summer Baby Carriers - My Top Picks for Warm Weather Babywearing

While carrying in warm weather is more about common sense than anything else, there definitely are some carriers that are cooler to wear and fare better as temperatures rise. If you are prone to overheating, live in a warm climate or want a summer friendly baby carrier (or want to hire one from Sheen SlingsContinueContinue reading "Summer Baby Carriers - My Top Picks for Warm Weather Babywearing"

Summer Babywearing - Keeping Safe in the Hot Weather

As the weather warms up, understandably parents start to worry about whether their baby will be too hot in their baby carrier or sling. Undoubtedly the closeness does mean that it is warmer for both of you, however, there are some simple things you can think about to ensure you both stay safe and asContinueContinue reading "Summer Babywearing - Keeping Safe in the Hot Weather"